NEMANJA CVIJANOVIĆ: THE  SQUARE OF THE UN-INDIFFERENT |  Overview Exhibition – Loža Gallery, Meduza Gallery, Warehouse Libertas Koper  and Piran Civic Gallery,  25.03─21.05.2023 |  Press conference: Friday, 24.03.2023, at 11 am, at Piran Civic Gallery |  Exhibition opening: Saturday, 25. 3. 2023, at 12 am at Loža Gallery, Koper |  Curated by: PhD, Madja Božeglav Japelj, curator and

PIRANOVA 2023: Museums in Digital

Museums in Digital – Internation colloquium | 29 March – 1 April 2023 | Venue: Herman Pečarič Gallery (Leninova ulica 2, Piran) | Organized by: International Foundation Forum of Slavic Cultures | Partner: Piran Coastal Galleries (Obalne galerije Piran), Slovenia

WATER AND LAND: Marjetica Potrč

WATER AND LAND: Marjetica Potrč | Solo ehibition | Curated by: Mara Ambrožič Verderber & Matic Bukovac | Piran City Gallery |17. 12. 2022 – 5.03.2023 |Opening: Saturday, 17.12.2022, at 18.00

Book presentation: Aleksander Bassin

Today, December 9, 2022, at 12 a.m., the Herman Pečarič Gallery in Piran will be presentation of a new book, the autobiography of the renowned art critic ALEKSANDER BASSIN, entitled THE OUTLINE OF MY TIME. As has been written by the Slovene Society (Slovenska matica): “The book from the collection Memories and Meetings is both

DISSIDENT HISTORIES: Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid

Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid | Dissident Histories |  Loža Gallery, Koper | 25.11. 2022–28. 2. 2023 |  Press conference: Friday, November 11, 2022, at 10.30 a.m. | Opening: Friday, November 11, 2022, at 6.00 p.m.

39th Piran Days of Architecture

39th international architectural conference Piran Days of Architecture | Honorary patron is minister of culture of the Republic of Slovenia, dr. Asta Vrečko


NEXT GENERATION | Group Exhibition | Students of art academies and university programs for visual arts |  Monfort Gallery, Portorose | October 21 – December 30, 2022