Tara Rubinić: Three times the distance from the World |
pictures and drawings, Solo exhibition | Young author prize Ex-tempore Piran 2023 |
Herman Pečarič Gallery Piran, 30 August – 27 October 2024 |
Curated by: Majda Božeglav Japelj
Mercy, 2023
Boys of different faces and women mourning, 2024
Care and ending, 2023
Tara Rubinić (Ljubljana, 2004) is a student of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. She has had a creative passion in this field since childhood, but it was the pandemic period that had a decisive influence on her decision to devote herself to artistic creation more seriously. During this time, she took part in a series of free mentoring sessions for young artists at the Ravnikar Gallery Space in Ljubljana. The prize at the Zine Vitrine competition brought her a personal exhibition in the DobraVaga Gallery in the same year. This was followed by an exhibition of paintings in the 3D Web Nox gallery (2021), which operates under the umbrella of Media Nox in Maribor. In June of this year, the new outdoor exhibition space of this gallery (Mlade Arkade) was officially opened with the presentation of her two macro canvases. “Strong visual potential and content enigmaticity", which convinced the international expert jury in the award-winning picture of last year's ex-tempore, are also characteristic of the selection of works in Piran's Herman Pečarič Gallery.