The two new exhibitions and other projects of the Piran Coastal Galleries in October are primarily devoted to the young generation of visual artists. Just like many this year’s events, they were created in collaboration with other institutions at home and abroad.
The first in the series of events was virtual and was carried out on 4 October 2022 at 5 pm on the Twitter platform of Museo Madre from Naples (Italy). The HSD SHOW CASE performative event by the Italian artist FRANCESCO BERTELE (1978), the winner of the ITALIAN COUNCIL 2018 – 4th Edition award, lasted for two hours in the presence of art critics, museum directors, researchers, and artists. The project dedicated to the observation of digital technologies and their omnipresence in the form of the new visual regime, which strongly influences the formation and transformation of social imagination, was conceived in 2019 in cooperation with the Piran Coastal Galleries and with the support of the Italian Council, the Directorate-General for Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Peripheries DGAAP, and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Italy.
In recent years, our intense collaboration with schools has been expanded to the cooperation with the Faculty of Education of the University of Primorska (UP PEF), primarily with the Visual Arts and Design (VUO) programme. Ahead is the new, fourth edition of the joint project, the SPEKULA 2022 manifesto. The main exhibition entitled IN THE MIDDLE, OFF – V vmesnem pogledu / Nella visione intermezza will take place in the Meduza Gallery in Koper. As can be discerned from the title, it is about having an ear for the nature of the visible, perception and depiction of ideas through the archetype of pre-set patterns of social growth. It will present four artists: ŽIGA KARIŽ, VIKTOR BERNIK, IGOR ANDJELIĆ, and LEON ZUODAR. The opening will take place on Thursday, 13 October 2022 at 6 pm, and the exhibition will be open until 30 December 2022. It will be accompanied by various events dealing with current issues and findings in art trends that will take place in the Meduza Gallery and at other locations. More info at…
On Friday, 21 October 2022, at 6 pm in the Monfort Gallery in Portorož, the NEXT GENERATION exhibition opening will take place which is intended for young artists and students from the seven art academies and university programmes for visual art (Venice, Vienna, Ljubljana and Koper). The project was intended as a collective moment of gathering and confrontation by an international group 13 of artists, professors, and 33 students. With this initiative, the Piran Coastal Galleries strive to open its doors to internationally renowned educational institutions from the field of fine arts. Simultaneously, this offers an opportunity for experts, the public, and young artists to acquaint themselves with the museum-gallery environment and participate in it through practical and experimental work. The exhibition’s goal is to enable for the wider public an insight into the thinking of the coming generation of authors who are presently still exploring their own expression in the distinct media multifacetedness and wondering about the meaning of art practices in the present turbulent period in an unencumbered way.
Students: Yirui Fang, Alberto Favaro, Alexandrina Godrogea (Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia – ABBA, Venice); Lorenzo Ercoli, Giacomo Furlan, Moreno Hebling, Alice Mestriner, Ahad Moslemi, Filippo Perfetti, Noemi Restani, Elena Roccaro (Università Iuav di Venezia, Arti Visive e Moda, Iuav, Venice); GORGON URBAN, Sebastian Konzett (Accademy of Fine Arts Vienna ─ AFAV, Vienna); Aliya Daveltova, Marlene Mautner, Daniela Weiss / Litto / The System Collective (Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien ─ UAG, Vienna); Katarina Cencič, Nina Tovornik, Špela Šedivy (Univerza v Ljubljani, Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje ─ ALUO, Ljubljana); Iva Gregorin Suhadolnik, Marija Klun, Hannah Koselj, Jaka Komac, Sanja Vatić (AVA – Academy of Visual Arts, Ljubljana); Karmen Bradovent, Ana Šeruga, Ana Južnič, Klara Rus, Uroš Kumer, Nika Oblak, Petja Škrubej, Maja Brus, Andrijana Vesovska (Univerza na Primorskem, Pedagoška fakulteta, Vizualne umetnosti in oblikovanje – UP PEF VUO, Koper).
Selectors: Director Prof Riccardo Caldura, Prof Nemanja Cvijanović (ABBA, Venice); Assist Prof Alessandra Messali, Prof Antoni Muntadas (Iuav, Venice); Prof Dr Marina Gržinić (AFAV, Vienna); Prof Dr Margarete Jahrmann (UAG, Vienna); prof Jože Barši, Assist Prof MSc Metod Frlic, Prof Alen Ožbolt (ALUO, Ljubljana); Assist Prof and Dean Pepi Sekulich, Assoc Prof and Vice-Dean Miran Mohar (AVA, Ljubljana); Assoc Prof Dr Tilen Žbona (UP PEF VUO, Koper).
The authors were selected based on the so-called professor’s choice or are selected by international selectors and professors, who made their choice within university and academia programmes for contemporary art. The exhibition is a production of the Piran Coastal Galleries and the international coordination of the researcher and artist Corinne Mazzoli. More info at…
The accompanying programme to the exhibition includes the NEW HORIZONS: GENERATIONS, ART AND TOPICS OF THE FUTURE international symposium, which will be held on Friday, 21 October 2022, and on Saturday, 22 October 2022 in the Monfort Gallery. It is organised by the Association for Culture and Education PiNA and is the result of strategic collaboration between the society and the Piran Coastal Galleries. The program will be published later.
In October, the famous kiosk K67, kept by the Piran Coastal Galleries, and which is, in cooperation with the City Municipality of Koper, temporarily placed at Ukmarjev trg in Koper, will be filled with a new, for the cult object unusual content of the TUNE INTO TIDES residence programme. In the two-week art residence in the kiosk, the sound artist TARIK HASKIĆ (1994, Koper) will design a series of partial sound partitures and create a public listening space in the process of conducting research with them.The curator of the project, which will conclude with a performance in the kiosk on Saturday, 29 October 2022, is Assist Prof Dr Boštjan Bugarič, an architect and assistant professor at the Faculty of Education (VUO) of the University of Primorska, with which we are again collaborating on this occasion. More info at…
In addition to these new events, we would also like to invite you to visit the running exhibitions connected to the EX-TEMPORE PIRAN 2022.
Due to great interest and a two-week closure of the City Gallery for the filming event in Piran, the exhibition of selected and awarded works of the VLII. INTERNATIONAL PAINTING EX-TEMPORE in the City Gallery has been extended to 30 November 2022. The exhibition of the last year’s young awardee KLAVDIJA JERŠINOVEC is open in the Herman Pečarič Gallery in Piran until the end of October.
We look forward to the upcoming events and seeing you there!