MARTIN BOBIČ: MY HOME | Photographs | 

Herman Pečarič Gallery Piran | 17. 6.–20. 8. 2023 | 
Opening: Saturday, June 17, 2023, at 6 p. m. | 
Curated by: Ana Papež


On the Summer Museum Night, Saturday, June 17, 2023, which is dedicated to culture and art, the exhibition titled My Home by photographer Martin Bobič (1964-2022) will be held in the  Herman Pečarič Gallery in Piran

Martin Bobič was born on 28. 3. 1964 in Ljubljana. In 1976 he moved to the Slovenian coast and later in 1995 to Piran, where he taught physics and mathematics at Ciril Kosmač elementary school and Piran gymnasium between the years 1989 and 2022.
His knowledge of optics and laws of physics enabled him in-depth exploration of photographys kills.
A founding member of Fotoklub Portorož and an amateur photographer, he led workshops and brough to the rmembers up to date with latest trends in digital photography, in times when it was still contending with the classic technique.
He passed his mastery and affection to younger generations, organizing various courses in photography.

Living in Piran, he was a truechronist of his time. His rich opus contains frequent motifs of people, buildings, public events and animals. Martin was omnipresent at cultural events and manifestations, capturing moments with his camera. He also enjoyed spending time in Planina, a town he frequently visited and where he is now buried.

Since Martin Bobič was an active, wellknown, and widely appreciated member of the local community we deem important to show our gratitude and affection
with an exhibition of his selected works. The exhibition is entitled My Home, featuring a set of photos representing his view on Piran and lifespent in it.

The exhibition is organized by Fotoklub Portorož and Obalne galerije Piran, and the displayed works are for sale. We shalld edicate all collected funds to the Association of bloodillness patients, a charitable organization.  

On the Summer Museum Night our galleries will be opened until 10 p.m., the entry is free.