For the International Day of Families, Piran Coastal Galleries invite families to visit for free the exhibition Maravee dress: Jaz Bivam, on display at the Civic Gallery of Piran. The initiative is part of the celebrations for the International Day of Families (15th of May) and the International Museum Day (18th of May).
After visiting the show, the families can take part to the creative workshop “Mask, don’t Paint me!”. Each member of the family receives a protective face mask, washable and reusable, obtained from an innovative hypoallergenic fabric. The visitors are then invited to paint it and decorate it to their liking.
Within an articulated path, the exhibition creates interesting dialogues and connections between photography, fashion, performances, videos, and installations. Jaz Bivam stages the concept of habitus in the continuous exchange of identity roles between body and dress. Entrusting the main role to one or the other, the artists enquire the quest of the mutant being between past and future, and the viewer is left with no assurances, starting from the title: is it the human identity that inhabits the dress, or the dress that shapes our identity presenting itself through its body?
We invite every family member to draw or paint the face masks following their liking and their fashion taste!
The workshop is active every day, from the 15th of May until the 22nd of May, from 10:00 to 17:00 at the Civic Gallery of Piran.