Vrtec Mornarček Piran, Kindergarten

27.05.2021 – 6. 6. 2021

UNESCO Project

Our Place: Its Cultural and Natural Heritage

A boat is sailing on the sea

Istrian life is connected to the sea, which influences our way of living and thinking; only by protecting it and respecting it we can preserve it for the generations to come. 

This year, in the framework of the UNESCO project Our Place: Its Cultural and Natural Heritage – A Boat is Sailing on the Sea, the kindergarten will conduct a research on the maritime heritage, which covers a series of crucial activities: tourism, gastronomy, transport and traditional boats. Exploring the maritime heritage in its material and immaterial forms aims at making children develop the necessary competences to protect the environment in a sustainable way, and to preserve a world in which future generations will want to live and work together.

On the 27th of May 2021, at the end of the project, a final exhibition will open at the Herman Pečarič Gallery of Piran, celebrating the continuous collaboration between Piran Coastal Galleries and Vrtec Mornarček Piran.

We are also glad to announce for this special occasion that the restoration of the garden walls of Herman Pečarič Gallery is completed, and we now have a new public area the children can benefit from in the pedagogical activities of the future.