Mojca Lenardič: The garden | 

Meduza Gallery, Koper | 

8th of July 2020 ‒ 4th of September 2020 | 

Mojca Lenardič was born in Koper in 1976. After graduating from high school, she enrolled at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana, where she graduated in 2001 with a degree in art pedagogy. She is employed as a teacher of fine arts at the Lucija Elementary School. She collaborates with the Association of Art Educators of the Littoral, with which she regularly exhibits, mostly at the Alga Gallery in Izola and the Grajžer Gallery in Štanjel.

Mojca Lenardič is an art pedagogue who has felt the passion for drawing since kindergarten. Painting accompanied her throughout her whole life, but in recent years the need for painting has become even greater. Her central theme is e landscape; it focuses on spikes, tree canopies, branches, grass, and above all the structure of branching. She is attracted by the liveliness of plants, their vital force, and tries to transfer them on canvas.

From the Gardens cycle, 2020, mixed media, 80 x 120 cm.
The colour was initially limited to shades of green and blue, but Mojca is becoming bolder in her choice of colour with the passing of time. Colours are an especially important aspect of her creative process. The colour palette varies from calm to very vivid, with a singular spectrum predominating time to time. In addition to acrylic paints, she uses watercolours and painting on wood.

For the last six months, Mojca has been experimenting with various imaging apps on her phone and she has discovered one that perfectly suits her way of working. When she creates, she hardly notices the difference offered by the new medium. Although there is no brush, the dynamics of the work is quite similar. The exhibition entitled Garden represents very clearly the long period of creation of Mojca Lenardič, her research of new media and new colours. The garden is a space in which the author can place all the excerpts and elements of nature that she faithfully depicts and observes on her walks.