Herman Pečarič Gallery | 

Opening: Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 7 p. m. |
Curated by: Ana Papež


Kindergarten Mornarček Piran is celebrating!

On May 25, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., a central event will be held in the Tartini Piran theater to mark the 50th anniversary of the  Mornarček Piran Kindergarten, where the children and the kindergarten’s employees will present themselves. According to the cultural program, the Herman Pečarič Gallery in Piran will host the opening of the exhibition of children’s products created as part of the UNESCO project, entitled Town Postcards. The children researched how the town has changed over time and what they themselves can contribute to improve the quality of life in the town. The long-term cooperation of the Coastal Galleries of Piran with the kindergarten enables the youngest creators to display their products in the gallery. We are aware how important it is to encourage creativity and love for art from an early age.