OPEN DOORS – Call for applications for the exhibition at the Piran Coastal Galleries in the period 20.6.2022 – 23.8.2022


The open call deadline is extended till April, 25, 2022!


The “Open Doors” call for applications is designed in the form of a public tender, which will be concluded with the selection of an artist or a collective of artists to prepare the exhibition. The purpose of the tender is to create an opportunity for promoting new artistic production and alternative contemporary projects in the field of visual art in the coastal region of Slovenia by way of a constructive and more democratic method.

The call provides an opportunity for the artists, experts and curators to present their proposal for the exhibition to the curatorial board of the Piran Coastal Galleries. Our public museum institution will support the chosen author and provide him/her with a professional platform for establishing contacts with a new circle of professional associates, curators and the general public. In cooperation with the curatorial board of the Piran Coastal Galleries, he/she will be able to organize group activities, seminars and lectures.

The chosen author (or collective) will be able to show their artworks independently at the Herman Pečarič Gallery in Piran in the period 20.6.2022 – 23.8.2022, and production costs of the exhibition in the amount of up to 1,000.00 euros will be covered. PCG will promote the event via online PCG channels and accompanying program (workshops, discussion, etc.).

Required documentation:

– Motivation letter (1 page);

– Project proposal (conceptual design of up to 2 pages, with sketches and pictures): maximum 10 pages (in PDF document format).

– CV (Europass – up to 6 pages) and CV (up to 2 pages);

– Portfolio with selected exhibitions or art projects realized in the last three years with at least 1 project per year (PDF document with descriptions, years of realization and short content explanations of the exhibition projects is required);

– Portfolio of selected works of art (at least 10 works of art realized in the last 3 years).


The deadline for applying to the “Open Doors” call for application is April 25, 2022. The chosen candidate or team will be notified within 14 working days after the tender deadline. Unselected candidates will be notified within 21 working days after the tender deadline.

Only documentation in a digital form is accepted and should be sent to the address Anyone who submits complete and required documentation can apply to the tender.