Overview Exhibition
25.3.─21.5.2023, Loža Gallery, Meduza Gallery, Skladišče Libertas, Koper, and Piran City Gallery
Press conference: Friday, 24.3.2023, at 11 am at the Piran City Gallery
Exhibition opening: Saturday, 25.3.2023, at 12 am at the Loža Gallery, Koper

A grand overview exhibition of the work of the Croatian artist Nemanja Cvijanović opens our rich programme year of 2023. The first major presentation of this artist, who works in Croatia and internationally, in Slovenia is prepared by the Piran Coastal Galleries in collaboration with numerous partners (Municipality of Piran, City Municipality of Koper, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Municipality of Rijeka, MMS – Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rijeka, City Museum of Rijeka, and the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Belgrade Foundation).

Nemanja Cvijanović belongs among the leading Croatian conceptual artists of the middle generation. His work displays fresh and innovative approaches to the understanding of the engaged role of an artist and art in the contemporary visual practice. In this, he is uncompromisingly critical and radically rebellious, yet also subtly ironic and witty.

The exhibition entitled Trg neravnodušnih (Square of the Non-Indifferent) is the result of the author’s choice of key works from a creatively and exhibitionally prolific period of two decades. In four exhibition spaces in Piran and Koper – the Town Gallery and the Meduza Gallery in Piran, and the Loža Gallery and the Skladišče Libertas in Koper, a wide range of media expressions will be presented: photographs, paintings, ceramics, collages, video, graphics, installations, and multimedia creations. The arrangement at different locations does not follow a chronological order, but emphasises the artist’s intention to provide his conceptually strong works with the appropriate spatial installation and the opportunity to enter into an exciting dialogue with the spectator.

The component part of the exhibition project was last year’s public book presentation in Venice. The author’s new extensive monograph entitled Antifašizem kot samoobrambni spomenik (Anti-Fascism as a Self-Defence Monument, publishers: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Belgrade; Museum of Contemporary Art Rijeka, and the Piran Coastal Galleries) was presented at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia. During the time of this year’s exhibition, occasional guided tours of the exhibition and expert workshops will be organised for students of visual practices from the University of Primorska (PEF VUO). The exhibition curator is Dr Majda Božeglav Japelj and the exhibition is a production of the Piran Coastal Galleries (2023). More at link …

Nemanja Cvijanović (Rijeka, 1972) is a Croatian multimedia artist who works in the fields of video, photography, performance, and conceptual art. He completed his studies of painting in 1998 in Venice at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, where he also finished his post-graduate studies in 2010 at the Università Iuav di Venezia. He is a member of the Rijeka unit of the Croatian Association of Artists. He has held independent and group exhibitions at home and abroad, in Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, China, Russia, Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Korea, Norway, etc. He has received several awards for his work. He lives and creates between Rijeka and Venice.

Piran City Gallery, Saturday, 4. 3. 2023, from 10 am to 1 pm


Prior to the end of the exhibition by Marjetica Potrč entitled Water and Land, we once again invite you to join us at the final discussion and preparation of the manual for the co-management of paths between gardens of Piran, which will take place in the Piran City Gallery on Saturday, 4 March 2023, from 10 am to 1 pm.

The workshop is part of a wider initiative of townspeople which also includes the results of two-day workshops in public space, i.e. the arrangement of the Matteoti and Olive Pathways in the town centre of Piran, at which townspeople and students of the University of Primorska (PEF VUO) participated on 24 and 25 February 2023. The workshops are the result of collaboration between the Abakkum Institute, Institute for Landscape, Culture and Art Piran, the Okolje Piran public company, the Piran local community, the Municipality of Piran, and the Piran Coastal Galleries. The final workshop entitled Priprava priročnika za soupravljanje poti med piranskimi vrtovi will deal in detail with four topics: the management of the public, co-management of the collective; caretakers or owners; protected areas and endangered species; and Piran and tourism. More at…

The goal of the workshop is to make the proposals from these discussions a part of the transformation of Piran into a resistant town at a time of climate change and decrease in the number of Piran inhabitants. To participate, it is obligatory to register at:




International Colloquium
Venue: Herman Pečarič Gallery (Leninova ulica 2, Piran), 29 March – 1 April 2023
Organized by: International Foundation Forum of Slavic Cultures, Ljubljana
Partner: Piran Coastal Galleries

The colloquium entitled Museums in Digital will shed light on the opportunities, strengths, dangers, and weaknesses of a digital museum experience.

Digital technologies enable the development of new museum practices and reinterpretations of museum collections, new forms of museum participation, networking, and accessibility of heritage. Using augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and 3D digital technologies, museums offer visitors new ways of understanding and communicating. The agenda for digitization in museums was established decades before the COVID-19 pandemic, but the physical closure of museums, especially in the first wave of the pandemic, moved the diverse social interaction of museums to digital environments. We are witnessing completely new digital experiences. The time of pandemic restrictions on life and functioning has shaped many digital innovations, solutions, and adaptations.

The colloquium offers an overview of innovative projects in this field and at the same time brings a critical point of view to virtual and mixed reality, emphasizing that we must use information and digital tools thoughtfully and critically and with a clear goal.

More info on the colloquium’s program:


Exhibition of art works by primary school pupils from Slovenia

Prešernovanje OGP 2023 was marked by several events celebrating Slovenian Cultural Day in Koper and Piran. Among them, a special place is reserved for the participation of pupils of primary schools from all over Slovenia who responded to our invitation. They created in response to the topic of movement and their best art pieces were presented at the Gibanje je zabavno (Movement is Fun) exhibition in the Meduza Gallery in Koper and the Herman Pečarič Gallery in Piran. In the Piran gallery, the exhibition of young artists is extended until 15 March 2023.

Everyone welcome!