Foto / Photo: Jadran Rusjan / OGP 2023

Monfort Portorož – Portorose

Saturday, September 2, 2023, from 8:30 p.m

Ex-tempore Piran is one of the most important artistic manifestations in Slovenian Istria. It is recognizable for its competitive character and long tradition, as it has been enriching the cultural pulse of the Municipality of Piran for almost six decades. The week, during which the painting event  and various accompanying events take place, will come to its close on Saturday, September 2, 2023. This year, the opening of the Ex-tempore 2023 exhibition and the presentation of prizes will be held for the first time in Portorož.

The 58th edition of Ex-tempore Piran stands out with a few novelties: the value of the highest Grand Prix prize, awarded by the Piran Coastal Galleries, is €4,000.00; the presentation of all selected and awarded works will be at one location- the Monfort Gallery in Portorož. The closing ceremony with the awarding of the prizes and socializing will also take place in the Wooden Hall of the Monfort complex. It will be accompanied by the sounds of the pop-jazz concert of the Trio Lapsus.

Moving the closing event with the gathering to an elite location right by the sea is undoubtedly an important step towards the revival and appreciation of this magnificent Portorož building. Works for the exhibition and some prizes will be selected by an international jury of experts: Eda Čufer, Slovenia; Igor Eškinja, Croatia; Daniele Capra, Italy (assisted by the secretary of the jury Dr. Majda Božeglav Japelj). The exhibition will be organized by the gallery curators Ana Papež and Tatjana Sirk.

At the Piran Coastal Galleries, we would like to empower the local community to properly value and appreciate its tradition and create original and creative artistic events that respect the cultural heritage, the environment and the inhabitants. The final gala event entitled EX-TEMPORE PORTOROSEdirected by Ivan Loboda and hosted by TV journalist Karin Sabadin, was designed in this spirit.

The program, which this year will take place in the two coastal cities Piran and Portorož, stands out with its inter-institutional local networking and the joining of new forces. It is created with the financial support of the Municipality of Piran and the invaluable cooperation of the Koper Theatre, the Portorož Auditorium, the Community of Italians Giuseppe Tartini from Piran, CAN, the public company Okolje / Environment Piran, the kind help of Hotel Marko and Restaurant Kogo, and with the general patronage of Vinakoper Winery.

You are also invited to visit other concurrent events presented the Program of Events During Ex-tempore Piran 2023 at this link.